Hypnotherapy in Exeter
Hypnotherapy is where therapy is carried out under Hypnosis. I use a blend of NLP, IFS and Psychotherapy alongside Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy can help with many problems. Whether these are habits or thought patterns you would like to change, banish or acquire. Some physical problems can also be helped effectively by hypnotherapy.
The Subconscious operates under 3 basic rules
Your mind does what you predict it will do - it follows commands
It is influenced by the words you speak and the images you create
It likes what is familiar and moves away from what is unfamilar
Our subconscious mind is like a hard drive which stores our memories, habits and unconscious processes like breathing and walking. The subconscious mind is the source of many of our problems and limitations. Our beliefs, habits and behaviours are stored as information and although we may consciously strive to change, we could find that "something always stops us" from being as successful as we would like. This can explain why it can be so difficult for us to make permanent changes and why Hypnotherapy can be so successful, by replacing those old, outdated negative programmes with new positive ones. The subconscious mind is way more powerful than our conscious mind. Imagination and emotion are stronger than logic.
There is also a connection between mind and body, where thoughts and beliefs can strongly influence our health and well being. Mind and body constantly communicate. This is often reflected in our language when we describe people or situations that impact us as “A pain in the ass” or “It sent shivers down my spine” Negative thought patterns and stress can cause insomnia and can affect how well our immune system works, making us more susceptible to illness. If our mind believes we are in danger it will release stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. This is often referred to as the “fight or flight” response. We experience symptoms such as racing heart, sweating, struggling to breathe, feeling nauseous with butterflies etc. However if we have Anxiety and are constantly experiencing similar symptoms it can feel very unpleasant. We may develop Irritable bowel syndrome, weight gain or loss. Some studies suggest that long term stress can cause strokes, heart attacks, Diabetes and lead to the development of some cancers. Our experience of pain can also be affected by anxiety, depression and emotional distress. We literally can “Feel our thinking”
Conversely, the more positive our thoughts and emotions are, the healthier we feel and the happier we are. We also tend to have more energy and look younger.
The length of sessions depends on the problem or symptom and the individual's circumstances. With some people a problem like nail biting can be successfully treated in one session. Other problems such as panic attacks, fertility and trauma may take more time due to the complexity of the issues involved.
Your investment is £60 per session which includes a specially personalised recording for you to listen to at home.
I hold 3 qualifications in Hypnotherapy and completed training with Marisa Peer as a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner using her groundbreaking formula.
I have over 15 years experience of using Hypnotherapy with clients.
Unfortunately there are some conditions that are not suitable for Hypnosis.These could include Epilepsy, psychosis e.g. schizophrenia, Bipolar. If in doubt please check with your GP first.
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