Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Exeter

Your thoughts are like the artist’s brush. They create a personal picture of the reality you live in." SYDNEY BANKS

CBT can help you to look at the link between thoughts and behaviour. It can help with many issues including Depression and Mental Illness, Anxiety, OCD, PTSD, Anger, Low Self Esteem or long term health problems. According to the medical profession, CBT is as effective as Anti-depressants for many types of depression, which highlights how strongly our own minds can affect our feelings and behaviours.

CBT is not a quick fix, however the long term effects at using the skills suggests that it could prevent depression from recurring and significantly reduce Anxiety.

CBT works with exploring how you think about yourself, Others and the world and how these beliefs or stories affect your thoughts and feelings which impact on your behaviour. Working together, my role is to help you examine how helpful and accurate these beliefs are.

By considering alternative views, we stop ourselves from jumping to conclusions and taking things personally and instead learn to control our thoughts, emotions and behaviour.

When using CBT it is usual for me to ask you to keep a journal of thoughts, feelings and behaviours. I may also give you worksheets to fill in if you prefer. This homework helps you to stay focussed outside the therapy room and to get used to challenging your own thinking patterns by yourself in everyday life and to try to replace them with more helpful and balanced ones.

We will usually meet weekly or fortnightly. Our first session will involve looking at your goals and what you hope to achieve from CBT Therapy. I will explain how I work and we can discuss whether you feel I can help you and if you feel comfortable with me as your Therapist.


At each session we can review your progress since our last meeting . My skill lies in helping you to break things down into manageable chunks, moving at your own pace. The CBT skills that I teach you are yours for life. You can use and develop them, making symptoms of depression and anxiety much less likely to return.

I hold a Diploma in Creative CBT and a Diploma in Mindfulness based CBT.

To get more information on CBT please visit -

Your investment is  £60 per session

To book a session with me click HERE or call me on - 07722064856
